How To Make Steak In Cast Iron Skillet?

Join us as we investigate the culinary craft of preparing a flavorful and impeccably seared steak utilizing a cast iron skillet. Whether you are a novice in the culinary arts or an experienced home chef, the cast iron skillet offers an exceptional foundation for attaining outcomes reminiscent of those found in upscale restaurants. This article, will explain how to make steak in cast iron skillet.


  • Select your preferred steak (ribeye, sirloin, or filet).
  • Pepper and salt to flavor
  • Olive or unsalted butter as a lubricant
  • Contrary to conventions, Flavorings such as garlic segments, thyme, or rosemary may be utilized.

How To Make Steak In Cast Iron Skillet?


1. Bring The Steak To Room Temperature

In order to ensure uniform cooking, it is imperative to enable the steak to reach room temperature. Prior to cooking remove it from the refrigerator at least 30 minutes beforehand.

2. Preheat The Cast Iron Skillet

Heat the cast iron skillet on medium-high. Continue preheating for 5–7 minutes until hot. Watch the sirloin sizzle on the pan to find the crust.

3. Season The Steak

Pat the steak dry with paper towels to extract any surplus moisture. Salt and pepper both sides generously, taking care to achieve a uniform coating. Consider applying an additional layer of flavor to the steak by sprinkling in minced garlic, thyme, or rosemary.

4. Add Oil To The Skillet

Incorporate an unsalted butter or vegetable oil with a high smoke point, or one tablespoon, into the heated cast iron skillet. By agitating the skillet, one can uniformly coat the bottom, thereby establishing a non-stick coating for the sirloin.

5. Sear The Steak

Simmer the seasoned steak in a heated skillet, making sure not to disturb it, for a duration of 1-2 minutes per side. The preliminary sear is critical in the formation of a crispy and flavorful exterior.

6. Add Butter And Aromatics (Optional)

To enhance the opulence of the dish, coat the skillet with a knob of butter and aromatics such as thyme, rosemary, or garlic bulbs. By tilting the skillet, the melted butter can be spooned over the sirloin to impart further flavor.

7. Cook To Desired Doneness

Apply a meat thermometer to the sirloin in order to regulate its internal temperature and guarantee that it is cooked to the desired doneness. The temperatures specified for rare, medium rare, medium, medium well and well-done options should be consulted.

8. Rest The Steak

The steak should be transferred from the skillet to a chopping board. Provide it with an approximate 5-minute period of leisure. This critical stage facilitates the redistribution of fluids, which guarantees a tender and moist outcome upon slicing.

9. Slice And Serve

Cross-grain, slicing the sirloin into a quarter-inch thickness. Serve the segments immediately after arranging them on a plate. Take pleasure in the delectable result of your diligent work in preparing an exquisitely seared and savory steak.


  • Choose the Right Cut: Opt for steaks with intricate marbling, such as filet, ribeye, or sirloin, to achieve juiciness and flavor. The marbling imparts tenderness and richness.
  • Steak at Room Temperature: Prior to preparing, bring the steak to room temperature. This ensures that the flesh is cooked more uniformly throughout.
  • Dry the Steak Thoroughly: Prior to seasoning, pat the sirloin dry using paper towels. By eliminating surplus moisture, scorching and crust formation are enhanced.
  • Generously Season: Apply a generous amount of salt and pepper to the sirloin. Alternative dried rubs or herbs may be utilized to enhance the flavor.
  • Preheat the Cast Iron Skillet: Prior to adding the steak, ensure that the cast iron skillet is sufficiently heated. A hot skillet aids in the searing process and prevents the loss of fluids.
  • Use High Smoke-Point Oil: Opt for oils such as grapeseed oil or vegetable oil that possess a high smoke point. These lubricants are resistant to the searing-grade heat required.
  • Don’t Crowd the Pan: Cooking a maximum of one to two steaks at a time will prevent the skillet from becoming overly crowded. Steaming rather than searing may result from overcrowding-induced culinary unevenness.
  • Master the Sear: Permit the steak to sear for one to two minutes per side without any disturbance. Limiting the frequency of shifting is essential for the development of a flavorful crust.
  • Enhance with Aromatics: During the cooking process, augment the steak’s flavor by adding butter, garlic, rosemary, or thyme to the skillet. For added opulence, baste the steak with the butter infused with aromatics.
  • Invest in a Meat Thermometer: Accurately determine the internal temperature of the sirloin by using a meat thermometer. By doing so, you guarantee that the steak is prepared to your ideal degree of doneness.

Enhance your culinary expertise and indulge in an unforgettable gustatory experience with the assistance of our guide on the preparation of steak using a cast iron skillet. By witnessing the steak sizzle on the heated surface and inhaling the enticing aroma that permeates the kitchen, this technique ensures the preparation of steak that is perfectly seared, characterized by a succulent interior and a crusty exterior.

Abandon the indulgences of the steakhouse and embrace the delight of preparing a delectable work of art in the comfort of your own kitchen.

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